22 Ways You Know You’re a SGRho

Hello All,

In celebration of my 22nd birthday, I decided to create a list of the many of reasons that I love my sorority- Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

There are least 22 ways you know that you are an SGRho and I thought to myself “Well, surely I’m not the only one who feels this way, so let me share my list!”

So here it is:

22 Ways You Know You’re a SGRho

  1. You can’t walk past a SoRHOr on the street without saying some form of greeting.
    1. It’s just isn’t right not to!
    2. 548486_426118334117853_1148749980_n
  2. You see a poodle in any form and go crazy.
    1. It doesn’t matter if the poodle is on television, in a store or on an earring. You know to salute it.
    2. monae
  3. You wear blue and gold just because you feel like it.
    1. There doesn’t have to be any particular reason. You could be going to the grocery store, the mall, or the airport, you just feel like wearing blue and gold.
    2. Poodles1 003 I’m the proud owner of these shirts.
  4. You have random items or trinkets with Sigma Gamma Rho letters on it or in blue and gold.
    1. In my collection I have SGR post-its, pencils, notebooks, phone covers and a lanyard. In the next few years, I’m sure to have more randomness.
    2. IMG_0115 And yes, these are my bags.
  5. Your mother and/or friends complain that you only shop for blue and gold clothes.
    1. When I was a neo, I was definitely guilty of only buying clothes in blue or gold. I was just greedy and it showed.  Look in my closet and you can see it.
    2. 1005086_10151756599107464_1920010042_n
  6. You can probably count the number of Torch Sisters you have on one or two hands.
    1. Of course this doesn’t apply to every SoRHOr. Those who have more than a handful of TS’s usually find it hard to meet other SoRHOrs who have the same number as them. And let’s not forget finding those double digit numbered Tikis.
    2. 104884o1
  7. When someone uses the term “Rho” you feel as if someone has called you out of your name.
    1. I get really irked when someone calls me or any SoRHOr, “Rho.” I just can’t stand it and have to correct them.
    2. 298362_10150289300899649_1853088112_n And speaking of “Rho”…
  8.  You put “Rho” in any word that allows it…and some words that don’t allow it.
    1. I can’t even properly spell rhoyal without the rho. Auto-correct be damned! I’ll spell “RepRHOsent” like that if I want to!
    2. 267888_4644746032979_2079767786_n
  9. You freak out inwardly or outwardly if you see someone wearing your colors and they are not a SGRho.
    1. I don’t like non-SoRHOrs wearing our colors…especially when they are at a SGRho event. Like really?!
    2. 385257_148358641986294_404101399_n
  10. You celebrate the 22nd of every month.
    1. In 1922 at Butler U…
    2. IMG_1172
  11. You get goose bumps when singing the sorority hymn at Regionals, Boule or even after a chapter meeting.
    1. We love our hymn.
    2. mqdefault
  12. If you meet someone who doesn’t know about Sigma Gamma Rho, you feel the need to inform them.
    1. Let ‘em know. Knowledge is power!
    2. now listen carefully
  13. You feel the need to give back to the community and want to make a difference.
    1. Community service is in your heart.
    2. sgr4
  14. You truly believe in the education of youth, of others and of course, for yourself. 
    1. So many of our SoRHOrs have PHD’s and do other wonderful things involving education. That is no coincidence that they are Sigmas.
    2. 197196_430853856977634_804655851_n
  15. Hanging out with your SoRHOrs is always a blast.
    1. Whether you are “RHOad” tripping or just sitting around talking, you can find laughs out of anything when SoRHOrs are present.
    2. art7
  16. You’re always willing to help another SoRHOr in need.
    1. Whether you live in a small town with only a couple or SGRhos or a large one with many, you are always willing to give a helping hand to your sister.
    2. helpful
  17. Your first time meeting a new SoRHOr could feel like you’ve known her forever.
    1. And forever you shall know her.
    2. ??????????????????????????????? Me and SoRHOr Rita Usher right after I met her at Regionals.
  18. Founder’s Day feels like a mini-holiday to you.
    1. Technically it is to me since it’s also my Sigmaversary .
    2. founders
  19. You truly embrace what it means to be different and nobody can tell you otherwise.
    1. Being a Sigma woman means that you wanted to be different and you love that.
    2. 430638_426087547454265_546843281_n
  20. Everyone you know needs to know that you’re a SGRho.
    1. Whether you have a keychain, a license plate or a shrine in your house, people who associate with you definitely know that you’re a Sigma Gamma Rho.
    2. ??????????????????????????????? – That’s me.
  21. You know the true meaning of sisterhood and what it means to be Your Sister’s Keeper.
    1. You’ve laughed, cried, fought, forgiven and forgot with SoRHOrs. You know that at the end of the day, you are always your sister’s keeper which is no easy task.
    2. Sisterhood Sigma Gamma Rho
  22. And most important of all: YOU LOVE SIGMA GAMMA RHO WITH ALL YOUR HEART! EEE-YIP!
    1. You love it all: The Founders, yours sisters, the colors, the call, the poodle and the list will forever go on! You’re beautiful, you’re classy, intelligent and strong: You are a Sigma Gamma Rho!

???????????????????????????????                    My Chapter-The Lovely Lambda Delta: Fall 88, Fall 96, Spring 98, Fall 11, Spring 12, Spring 13

These are my 22 reasons, what are yours?

DeAngelis Fielder

Lambda Delta Chapter

Fall 2011

Tre Club

The Analyzer

For those who haven’t heard of this illustrous organization or want to know more about it, visit the national website: http://sgrho1922.org/site/splash

Photos courtesy of sgrho1922.org, the official Sigma Gamma Rho Facebook page, Google and my own photographs.

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